02 / February / 2024 14:01

Iranian FM Stresses Palestinian Right to Determine Future Amid Gaza Crisis

Iranian FM Stresses Palestinian Right to Determine Future Amid Gaza Crisis

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian emphasized the Palestinian people's right to decide their future, stating that no party or country should impose its will or political projects on them.

News ID: 822739

EghtesadOnline: Amirabdollahian made these remarks during a Thursday call with Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the politburo of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas.

The minister expressed his firm belief that an immediate end to Israeli crimes in Gaza is crucial for establishing peace and stability in the West Asia region.

During the call, Haniyeh briefed Amirabdollahian about the situation in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, where Palestinians have resisted nearly four months of Israeli aggression.

Haniyeh asserted that any initiatives for a ceasefire in Gaza must respect the interests of the Palestinian nation, emphasizing the importance of their rights and concerns.

Amirabdollahian continued discussions on initiatives for a Gaza ceasefire in another call with Ziyad al-Nakhalah, the leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement. The phone call took place on Thursday night amidst ongoing regional and international efforts to end the Israeli military campaign against Palestinians, which began in early October.

In this conversation, Amirabdollahian stressed the need for continued regional and international efforts to immediately halt Israeli crimes against the defenseless people in Gaza. He also called for humanitarian aid to reach the enclave.

Reiterating his stance, the Iranian Foreign Minister emphasized that no party or country should impose its will or political projects on the Palestinian nation.

In response, Nakhalah expressed gratitude to the Iranian leadership and people for their unwavering support for the freedom of Palestine. He conveyed confidence that the Palestinian nation would emerge victorious from the current war in Gaza, asserting that the Zionist occupiers would have no option but to surrender to the strong determination of the Palestinian people. / Tasnim

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