02 / February / 2024 15:25

CBI’s Net Foreign Assets Up 5.2%: Data

CBI’s Net Foreign Assets Up 5.2%: Data

The Central Bank of Iran’s (CBI) data indicated that the bank’s net foreign assets registered a 5.2% hike in the Iranian month of Dey (December 21, 2023 to January 22, 2024) compared to the same period last year.

News ID: 822742

EghtesadOnline: In this period, the monetary base of the bank showed a 20.2 percent growth compared to the end of the previous Iranian calendar year (ended March 20, 2023), it said in a report.

In addition to improving the foreign assets of the Central Bank of Iran, the rise has led to an increasing share (equivalent to 2.3 percent point) in one-percent growth of the monetary base of the bank in the reported month, IRNA reported.

The declining trend of growth of the monetary base continues, with the 12-month growth of the monetary base decreasing from 45 percent as of the beginning of the current Iranian calendar year (started on March 21, 2023) to 31.7 percent in the Iranian month of Dey (December 21, 2023 to January 22, 2024), the CBI added. / Tasnim

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