06 / February / 2024 10:26

Iran’s Monthly Road Transit Hits 10-Year Record: Deputy Roads Minister

Iran’s Monthly Road Transit Hits 10-Year Record: Deputy Roads Minister

The head of Iran’s Transportation and Road Maintenance Organization said that the country’s monthly road transit broke the record in the Iranian month of Dey in the current year (December 22, 2023 to January 22, 2024) after 10 years.

News ID: 823510

Dariush Amani pointed to the transit performance of the organization in the 10 months of the current Iranian calendar year (started March 21, 2023) and added that 11.4 million tons of goods were transited from the country, showing a 46% growth compared to the same period last year.

Over 500,000 Iranian and foreign trucks transited 11.4 million tons of goods through the territory of the country from March 21, 2023, to January 22, 2024, he stated.

He put the volume of goods transited from the country from December 22, 2023, to January 22, 2024, at 1.445 million tons.

The deputy roads minister added that the Shahid Rajaei Port and the Parvizkhan, Bashmaq, Astara and Bazargan border terminals were among the main origins of the transited goods.

Some 8.938 million tons of goods were exported from the border terminals of the country between March 21, 2023, and January 22, 2024, registering a 14% hike compared to last year’s corresponding period, he said, khabarban.com reported.

It is expected that the increasing trend of transiting goods from the country will continue by the yearend (to end March 20, 2024), he added. / Tasnim

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