16 / March / 2024 10:34

Hegemony Smearing Islam, Iran Warns

Hegemony Smearing Islam, Iran Warns

Deploring the hegemonic system’s plots to misrepresent Islam and incite fear of Muslims, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian called for collective Muslim action to combat Islamophobia and the currents that oppose peace and security.

News ID: 831268

EghtesadOnline: In a post on his X account on Friday, Amirabdollahian commemorated the International Day to Combat Islamophobia.

He defined “confronting Islamophobia” as “Muslim nations’ collective endeavor aimed at (creating) effective deterrence in the face of seditious movements that are against sustainable peace and security.”

Islamic teachings had invariably been subject to conspiratorial policies adopted by the global imperialist system, he said, Press TV reported.

“The imperialist system has deployed all in its sinister power to present a tarnished and manipulated image of Islam and represent Islam and Muslims as a threat in the eyes of the public opinion of other global communities,” the minister said.

The United Nations declared March 15 as the International Day to Combat Islamophobia through a resolution in 2022. / Tasnim

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