07 / April / 2024 08:52
Deputy FM:

Boosting economic coop. with neighbors Iran's priority

Boosting economic coop. with neighbors Iran's priority

Boosting cooperation with neighboring countries, the countries of the region, and the states in the Global South is a priority for the Islamic Republic of Iran, Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Diplomacy Mehdi Safari said.

News ID: 834999

EghtesadOnline: The senior Iranian diplomat made the remarks in a meeting with BRICS states' envoys on Saturday.

The following is the full text of Safari's speech at the meeting:

Distinguished Ambassadors,

Honorable Guests,

President of Iran's Chamber Mr. Hassan Zadeh

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is a pleasure for me to welcome you all to this Iftar reception hosted jointly by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mine and Agriculture of Iran. Let me express my heartfelt congratulations for this Holy Month: Ramazan Mubarak Insha'Allah.

At the outset, I would like to pay tribute to the great souls of those we lost in the terrorist attack by Zionist regime against Iran's Consular mission in Syria. We appreciate worldwide condemnation of this blatant violation of international law and UN Charter.

Dear Colleagues,

The deepening and expansion of economic cooperation with our neighbors, regional countries, Asian states, and countries in the "Global South" constitutes one of the main priorities of the economic diplomacy of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Multilateral and regional organizations and arrangements such as the ECO, ACD, IORA, D-8, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, BRICS Group, Organization of Black Sea Economic Cooperation, Eurasian Economic Union and others hold a crucial place in our economic diplomacy. We also look into these multilateral organizations and arrangements as great potential to form patterns of a new South-South Cooperation.

The distinguished Ambassadors and diplomats who are present here are members or partners of these multilateral organizations and arrangements. This gathering here today aims to illustrate the mutual support between bilateral and multilateral diplomacy. We believe that strengthening and upgrading cooperation within the context of these organizations will further boost our bilateral relations as well.

Dear Colleagues,

Despite the illegal and cruel unilateral sanctions which have deprived it from full realization of existing potential and capacities, the Islamic Republic of Iran has actively played its role as a member and partner in multilateral organizations. As a founding member of the ECO and D-8, Iran has always been a key player to promote their ultimate goals and objectives.

Also, since joining to the ACD and IORA, which are two important continent and Ocean-wide cooperation arrangements, Iran started to make meaningful contribution and inputs in line with their noble goals and objectives. Our current chairmanship in the ACD is also a manifestation of this strong commitment.

As new member in Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS Group, the Islamic Republic of Iran is determined to play a significant role in and render full support to their activities.

In January this year, we upgraded our relations with the Eurasian Economic Union when we signed a Free Trade Agreement with the 5 Members of this Union covering almost 90% of total trade among ourselves.

As Sectoral Dialogue Partner in Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization, we have conveyed our readiness and willingness to upgrade our status to full membership.

In all these efforts, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran is not alone. The private sector of Iran has always been helpful to move forward in our bilateral and multilateral relations.

The 138-years old Iran Chamber of Commerce is the parliament of the private sector in the Country. It is the strategic policy maker and coordinator within and among the private sector. The family of Iran Chamber of Commerce includes 34 provincial chambers, 40 joint chambers of commerce, more than 200 specialized national economic associations, around 20 economic commissions in various sub-categories, etc. This is a huge capacity to provide economic, commercial and business advisory services to business community, to the Government, to the Parliament and to the judiciary in Iran.

We in the Foreign Ministry consider the private sector as strong tool in the hand of economic diplomacy of the Country.

We remain ready to further facilitate interactions between Iran's private sector with private sectors in partner countries.

In the context of the multilateral organizations, chambers of commerce of the Member States shall be more involved in multilateral activities. As one example, Chamber of Commerce of city of Isfahan will host chambers of the ACD Member States on 29-30 April 2024 where they will discuss private sectors' contribution into the cooperation agenda of the ACD.

Let me conclude my remarks by thanking you again for accepting our invitation. I am grateful to Mr. Hasan Zadeh and his team in Iran Chamber for co-hosting this important event.

I would like to assure all distinguished participants here of full support of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and my own support to promote public-private partnerships as well as business-to- interactions, bilaterally and multilaterally. My business colleagues in the Foreign Ministry are also available for ever possible sort of support and assistance.

I thank you for your attention. / Mehr

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