08 / April / 2024 08:08

18 mn passengers used public transport during Nowruz

18 mn passengers used public transport during Nowruz

More than 18 million passengers used public transport during 23 days of Nowruz holidays between March 14 to April 5, 2024.

News ID: 835937

EghtesadOnline: According to a report by the website of the Iranian Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, the records of travels during Nowruz holidays in Iran were reported in detail by deputy transport ministers during a press conference held at the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development on April 8, 2024.

According to Hadianfar, the Deputy Transport Minister, more than 18 million people were transported by public transport in different modes during 23 days between March 14 to April 5.

Based on the reported records, of this total figure, 6,939,000 people used road fleets, 1,700,000 passengers used rail transport by 4,310 trains, 3,396,871 passengers (2,559,862 domestic and 837,009 international) transported by airplane through 27,468 flights indicating 7 percent increase compared to the same period in the last year, and 6,568,000 used marine transport services.  

In the rail transport, the delay from the origin was less than one minute and the delay at the destination was 25 minutes.

Also, according to Shamsuddin Farzadipour, the CEO of Islamic Republic of Iran Airlines, there were 1,101 flights by Iran Air during Nowruz holidays. Pointing out that safety and reducing delays were the most important concerns of Iran Air, Farzadipour said: Average flight delays during Nowruz reached 12 minutes, which showed a 57% reduction in delays compared to the last year. In addition, most of the delays were caused by unfavorable weather conditions in Nowruz trips. / Mehr

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