11 / May / 2024 16:40

President Asks Artists to Debunk Western Hypocrisy

President Asks Artists to Debunk Western Hypocrisy

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi called for the disclosure of the Western civilization’s true face and its blatant support for the Israeli regime’s genocidal crimes through the medium of art and cultural means.

News ID: 841664

EghtesadOnline: During a visit to the 35th Tehran International Book Fair on Saturday, Raisi went to the joint pavilion of Palestinian students in Iran.

Calling on the writers, artists and people of culture to pay more attention to transnational issues, especially the issue of Palestine and Gaza, the president said, "I also explained during my presence at this pavilion that today, Gaza has become a painting, one side of which is the bright page of honor, resistance and love for God, and the other side of it is the display of the height of shame, crime and genocide of the Zionist regime and its supporters, above all the Americans.”

“This page has removed the veil of hypocrisy and revealed the true face of Western civilization and it is necessary to record these two pages with cultural and artistic tools, including books and films, and display them for ages and generations," he stated.

In a meeting with the officials of the Islamic Propagation Organization in January 2023, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei described plans to develop cultural products based on new ideas and awareness of the socio-cultural requirements as an important duty of cultural organizations in Iran.

Ayatollah Khamenei also described giving attention to the taste of the audience in cultural and propagation related activities as one of these requirements, adding, “The language you use to communicate with a young person is different from the language you use to talk to an ignorant, or antagonistic person. In the same way, the language of speaking and preaching in other countries should be different in nature to the kind of cultural-propagation work that is being implemented inside the country, in Revolutionary institutes and organizations included.” / Tasnim

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