26 / May / 2024 08:48

CBI Provides over $10 Billion for Importing Basic Goods: Spokesman

CBI Provides over $10 Billion for Importing Basic Goods: Spokesman

The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) has provided $10.185 billion in foreign currency for importing basic goods and commodities, medicines, and commercial goods since the beginning of the current Iranian calendar year (started March 19, 2024).

News ID: 844314

EghtesadOnline: Spokesman for Iran Exchange Center of Gold and Currency Asghar Balsini said $2.557 billion and $5.514 billion were supplied for importing medicines and trade-commercial products respectively.

In addition, $233 million was provided for importing technical and engineering services during this period, he stated, ISNA reported.

Balsini went on to say that $2.164 billion was supplied for importing basic agricultural goods including wheat, oily seeds and animal feedstock, noting that $393 million was also provided for importing raw materials needed in the pharmaceutical industry and medical equipment. / Tasnim

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