Kim Jong Un - page 2

tag Kim Jong Un

North Korean leader Kim visits China, meets President Xi

EghtesadOnline: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visited China and met President Xi Jinping, state media of both countries said on Tuesday, their second encounter in two months in a flurry of diplomatic engagement that has eased tensions on the Korean peninsula.
Publish Date:09/May/2018 | 05:45

Trump Floats Holding North Korea Summit in Peace House Near DMZ

EghtesadOnline: President Donald Trump has a new idea for the location of a potential meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un : the Peace House near the Demilitarized Zone marking the North’s border with South Korea.
Publish Date:30/April/2018 | 14:34

North Korea Set to Mothball Nuclear Site, Suspend Missile Tests

EghtesadOnline: North Korea has achieved its goal of developing a nuclear arsenal and is suspending further tests of atomic weapons or intercontinental ballistic missiles, its state-run media reported, citing leader Kim Jong Un .
Publish Date:21/April/2018 | 13:50

U.S. Confirms North Korean Offer to Talk Denuclearization

EghtesadOnline: The U.S. has confirmed that Kim Jong Un is willing to talk to President Donald Trump about getting rid of his nuclear weapons, as South Korea claimed when it passed along the North Korean leader’s offer for a historic meeting, according to an administration official.
Publish Date:09/April/2018 | 05:55

One Man Trump Won't Meet on Asia Trip Looms Largest

EghtesadOnline: Donald Trump departed Washington on Friday for a 10-day tour of Asia, his first trip to the region as president, during which he’ll travel to five countries and attend several summits. One man he won’t see may loom the largest over his trip.
Publish Date:04/November/2017 | 24:19

Kim Jong Un Boosts Sister Within North Korea's Inner Circle

EghtesadOnline: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has promoted his 28-year-old sister to the ruling party’s political wing, bringing her closer to the center of power and tightening the family’s control on the regime.
Publish Date:08/October/2017 | 08:41

Trump Rattles Saber at North Korea: ‘Only One Thing Will Work’

EghtesadOnline: President Donald Trump returned to saber-rattling against North Korea, saying that “only one thing will work!” after years of diplomacy have failed, even as his counterpart in Pyongyang termed nuclear weapons a powerful deterrent.
Publish Date:08/October/2017 | 07:48

Japan Backs U.S. Proposal to Target North Korea's Oil Supplies

EghtesadOnline: Japan backed a U.S. push for the United Nations Security Council to vote Monday on fresh sanctions against North Korea, saying that Kim Jong Un ’s nuclear program poses the most serious threat since World War II.
Publish Date:10/September/2017 | 06:28

Trump and Moon Agree to Show Muscle After North Korea Nuke

EghtesadOnline: U.S. President Donald Trump agreed to support billions of dollars in new weapons sales to South Korea after North Korea’s largest nuclear test, while his ambassador to the United Nations said the U.S. would seek the strongest possible sanctions against Kim Jong Un ’s regime.
Publish Date:05/September/2017 | 07:11

Trump Threatens New Sanctions After North Korea Nuclear Test

EghtesadOnline: President Donald Trump threatened to increase economic sanctions and halt trade with any nation doing business with North Korea, and his defense chief said the U.S. has “many military options” after the regime said it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb with “unprecedentedly big power.”
Publish Date:04/September/2017 | 06:45

Merkel Backs Mattis Against Trump in Call for North Korea Talks

EghtesadOnline: German Chancellor Angela Merkel said diplomacy is the best way to tackle the standoff with North Korea, in stark contrast to U.S. President Donald Trump who has dismissed the idea of further negotiations.
Publish Date:03/September/2017 | 05:07

Most Asian Stocks Rebound as Korean Fears Abate

EghtesadOnline: Most Asian stocks advanced after President Donald Trump’s measured response to North Korean missile launches and comments from Kim Jong Un suggested geopolitical tensions will ease off. The yen fell for a second day.
Publish Date:30/August/2017 | 05:08