
tag Economist

Economist Warns Against Emergence of USSR-Like Economy

EghtesadOnline: In the Iranian economy, political and ideological issues have become the prime concerns of economic decision-makers, which is a repeat of the Soviet Union experience and can take the economy into dangerous territory.
Publish Date:01/May/2022 | 17:34

Economist Criticizes NDFI Fund Diversion

EghtesadOnline: Governments’ appropriation of the foreign exchange resources of the National Development Fund of Iran, the country’s sovereign wealth fund, has been rising constantly over the past few years, such that the fund now accounts for a significant part of the budget, Mehdi Pazouki, an economic expert, said in a write-up for the Persian daily Jahan-e Sanat. A translation of the text follows:
Publish Date:26/January/2022 | 16:34

Economist Specifies Preconditions for Ending Subsidized Import Policy

EghtesadOnline: Most economic experts concur that the government’s distribution of cheap dollar was a telling example of public fund misuse both regarding 25 items that were to be imported with the subsidized forex and people who were entrusted with the responsibility of importing them.
Publish Date:08/January/2022 | 14:30

Economist Blames Failing Subsidy System for Rising Inequality

EghtesadOnline: Because of the failing subsidy system in Iran, some high-income individuals have raced ahead while those who fall into low-income deciles have been left behind and become poorer, Vahid Shaqaqi-Shahri, an economist and university professor, says.
Publish Date:28/September/2021 | 19:44

Economist Urges New Gov’t to Address Super Challenges

EghtesadOnline: The new government needs to address super challenges, as the country will not be an oil exporter by the end of the next decade, says Vahid Shaqaqi-Shahri, an economist and university professor.
Publish Date:27/June/2021 | 24:53

Economist Questions Government’s Foreign Exchange Interventions

EghtesadOnline: The tool of foreign exchange interventions to help stabilize price should be in the policymaker’s toolbox. However, there are some “buts” with a capital B that, if left unheeded, will abort policymaker’s measures to stabilize the economy.
Publish Date:02/July/2023 | 21:22

Economist Defends State Assets Liquidation Plan

EghtesadOnline: The government is suffering from severe budget deficit which has driven up inflation to an unprecedented level. Iran is likely to see higher inflation rates in the future.
Publish Date:06/February/2023 | 21:13

Liquidity Harming, Not Helping Manufactures

EghtesadOnline: Unusually large volumes of liquidity is flowing into non-productive sectors and speculative markets, instead of boosting manufactures, an economist says.
Publish Date:04/May/2020 | 04:37

Iranian Economist Explores Strategies to Limit Coronavirus Damage

EghtesadOnline: Rescue packages introduced in the US and European countries following the coronavirus outbreak are designed to make compliance with social-distancing order possible for people and business-owners instead of providing compensation for those hit by the pandemic, a former senior aide to President Hassan Rouhani says.
Publish Date:14/April/2020 | 19:32