
tag pulses

Goods Transit From India to Afghanistan via Iran's Chabahar Hits 120,000 Tons

EghtesadOnline: Some 120,000 tons of wheat and pulses have been exported to Afghanistan, mainly from India, through Chabahar Port in southern Iran since October 2017 when the first such Indian consignment passed through the strategic port until Dec. 21, the head of Iran’s Ports and Maritime Organization's Port and Economic Affairs Bureau said.
Publish Date:31/December/2018 | 15:43

1st Indian Transit Cargo of Pulses Arrives at Chabahar

EghtesadOnline: India’s first consignment of pulses to be sent to Afghanistan arrived at Iran’s southeastern port of Chabahar on Wednesday, the news outlet of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development reported.
Publish Date:04/August/2018 | 09:25

250K Tons of Pulses Imported Annually

EghtesadOnline: The annual consumption of pulses in Iran stands between 900,000 tons and 1.5 million tons, of which 250,000 tons are supplied through imports, according to Abdi Eftekhari, secretary of Iran’s Pulses Union.
Publish Date:02/July/2023 | 21:24

Cropping Pattern Project Selects Provinces for Oilseeds, Pulses

EghtesadOnline: The Agriculture Ministry’s cropping pattern project for the crop year 2022-23 has selected the provinces prioritized for the production of oilseeds and pulses , and the volume each province is estimated to produce.
Publish Date:17/November/2022 | 22:26