national currencies

tag national currencies

50% of Russo-Iran Trade in National Currencies

EghtesadOnline: Commercial transactions in national currencies between Russia and Iran exceeded 50% in 2019, Moscow's commercial representative in Tehran, Rustam Zhiganshin, said.
Publish Date:28/December/2019 | 24:33

De-Dollarization Beneficial to Iran Trade Relations

EghtesadOnline: After Iran, Russia and Turkey, three regional allies hit by US sanctions, discussed a possible replacement of the US dollar by national currencies last week, business figures in Iran are now weighing in on the degree the plan can be implemented with success.
Publish Date:16/September/2018 | 05:06

Iran, Russia Agree to Trade in Nat’l Currencies

EghtesadOnline: The commercial banks of Russia and Iran have agreed to pay for bilateral supplies of products in national currencies , the Central Bank of Russia said in a statement on Friday.
Publish Date:03/September/2016 | 15:44