Iran debt securities

tag Iran debt securities

New Equity-Based Sukuk Makes Debut in Iran

EghtesadOnline: The government is set to clear part of its debt to Social Security Organization by issuing up to 50 trillion rials ($1.1 billion) of debt securities, the first batch of which was issued on the capital market by Amin Investment Bank on Sunday.
Publish Date:13/March/2018 | 06:36

Bonds Catch UP With New Certificates of Deposit in Yield

EghtesadOnline: The chain reaction between the anticipated rise in deposit interest rates and the decline in prices of debt securities is in full swing, as highlighted by the issuance of the latest batch of Islamic Treasury Bills on Iran Fara Bourse.
Publish Date:03/March/2018 | 10:43

$6.4b Worth of Gov’t Bonds Issued This Year

EghtesadOnline: The government has issued over 300 trillion rials ($6.4 billion) worth of debt securities so far in the current fiscal year (started March 21, 2017), Chairman of Islamic Republic of Iran Debt Management Organization Mehdi Banani announced.
Publish Date:18/February/2018 | 07:57