Phase 11

tag Phase 11

Renewed Call for Using Domestic Gas Capacity

EghtesadOnline: The equipment needed in South Pars Phase 11 offshore venture, which is expected to be developed by China National Petroleum Corp and Iran’s state-owned firm Petropars, will cost $2.8 billion, chairman of the board of directors of Iranian Petroleum Industries Equipment Manufacturers Association said. "As per the deal, contractors are obliged to meet 51% of their requirements from domestic manufacturers before relying on foreign suppliers," Reza Padidar was also quoted as saying by ILNA on Saturday.
Publish Date:02/September/2018 | 08:13

South Pars Phase 11 Development May Go to Petropars

EghtesadOnline: Domestic companies will start operations to develop Phase 11 of the South Pars Gas Field in the Persian Gulf in October, managing director of Pars Oil and Gas Company, a subsidiary of state-owned National Iranian Oil Company that oversees the development of gas fields said.
Publish Date:16/September/2019 | 11:22