
tag propylene

Propylene Shortage Hurting Petrochem Sector Growth

EghtesadOnline: Completing the value-added petrochemical production chain in petrochemical sector can help cut import of strategic commodities like propylene and also develop the key downstream sector, managing director of the state-owned National Petrochemical Company said.
Publish Date:10/March/2021 | 18:51

NPC, Sojitz of Japan sign MoU for petchem cooperation

EghtesadOnline: National Petrochemical Company (NPC) has signed a memorandum of understating with Japan's Sojitz for feasibility studies on construction of a methanol to propylene conversion plant in Iran.
Publish Date:11/October/2016 | 07:00

Iran Propylene Output to Rise 300 Percent

EghtesadOnline: To increase the share of value-added exports, the National Petrochemical Company’s propylene output is expected to increase by 3 million tons or 300% over the next five years, the head of the company said Monday.
Publish Date:30/July/2019 | 11:50