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Turkey urges Pakistan to close 'Gulen' institutions

Jul 23, 2016, 4:40 PM
News ID: 638
Turkey urges Pakistan to close 'Gulen' institutions

EghtesadOnline: Turkish Ambassador to Pakistan says Ankara expects Pakistan to close down institutions run by Fethullah Gulen, the US-based opposition leader accused of masterminding and backing the botched coup attempt in Turkey last week.

“We have called on all friendly countries to prevent activities of this (Gulen’s) group,” Sadik Babur Girgin said at a media briefing on the developments in Turkey.
He said the Turkish government had solid evidence that Gulen’s movement was behind the plot, according to IRNA.

Noting that Gulen had “big presence in Pakistan”, Girgin said Turkey was in close contact with Pakistani authorities. “We have had good cooperation with Pakistan in every field.”

Girgin said the Turkish government was also seeking Gulen’s extradition from the United States.

Earlier, manager of Turkish 'Pak-Turk international schools' in Pakistan in a statement categorically had denied of having any links with Fethullah Gulen.

“We are deeply concerned by allegations made by a certain section in the social media trying to connect the PakTurk International Schools and Colleges in Pakistan with Fethullah Gülen … we have no affiliation or connection with any political individual or any movement or organization,” the statement said.

According to media reports, in Pakistan, Gulen runs a network of about 21 schools and Rumi Forum, an intellectual and intercultural dialogue platform, in addition to having business stakes. His organizations and businesses have been operating in Pakistan for decades.