08 / August / 2016 14:51

Shamkhani deplores terrorist bombing in Quetta, Pakistan

Shamkhani deplores terrorist bombing in Quetta, Pakistan

EghtesadOnline: Secretary of Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani on Monday offered condolence to his Pakistani counterpart Lieutenant General Nasir Khan Janjua on terrorist bombing in Quetta, Pakistan.

News ID: 735651

Shamkhani deplored the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the terrorists and extended condolences to Pakistan government and the families who lost their loved ones in the terrorist attack, reports IRNA.

Shamkhani underlined necessity of collective action and international understanding to crack down on terrorists and uproot the ominous phenomenon of terrorism.

He added that suicide bombing and shooting inside a hospital indicated once again that the extremists and terrorists are aiming the entire humanity and their practices are blatant example of the crimes against humanity.

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