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Europeans remain loyal to JCPOA: Head of German-Iran Chamber

Nov 27, 2016, 9:24 PM
News ID: 6875
Europeans remain loyal to JCPOA: Head of German-Iran Chamber

EghtesadOnline: Chairman of Germany-Iran Chamber of Commerce Michael Tockuss has stressed that the Europeans will stick to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), should the new US president-elect violates the agreement.

Tockuss made the remarks in a recent interview with IRNA in London.

He said that what is seen from the trade figures from January to August is that 'we have a good increase in trading relation between European countries with Iran. Trade relation between Germany and Iran has increased by approximately 18 percent and it will increase by the end of the year close to 30 percent.

'It takes a little bit time until the deals appear in the trade statistics; but generally I am very positive about it. The big hype which exists partly in European countries, especially in Germany, is now replaced by a more realistic approach and it will take some times until all the positive results will be seen out of this agreement. It will take a further 12 month until we see spectacular developments in trading and especially in investment relations.

Commenting on how much interested the European companies are to do business with Iran after lifting of sanctions, Tockuss said there is a 'huge interest'.

'A lot of the European companies are open for business and now the task of organizations like the Chambers is to channel this general interest and the positive attitude towards Iran into real business and investments,' said the official adding ironically, 'I think our Iranian counterpart should now be getting very tired because they have delegations every day.' 

As for the challenges facing the European companies to do business with Iran, the official said, 'Situation in different European countries is different. With Germany, Austria and Switzerland things are developing very positively. A lot of banks are working again with the Iranian banks, not just with Iranian banks in Europe but have started correspondent relation with banks in Iran. But France and UK are a little bit behind, simply because of their banking structure. 

'But generally there is hardly any month that additional banks are coming to us and we support them and give them advice and support them with regards to the questions. On the other hand, with great respect, the Iranian central bank pushes the Iranian banks now to fulfill transparency criteria, money laundering criteria. I know how hard people are working on these topics and so the general banking situation is definitely better than six months ago or 8 month ago.'

Commenting on the significance of the election of Donald Trump as the next president of the US on the overall trade relations with Iran, Tockuss said, 'No one knows what this gentleman would do. What we see is that after he was elected he did not refer to Iran anymore and also if you look on his program for the first 100 days there is no mentioning of Iran.

'On the other hand we see that the election of Mr. Trump is strengthening the European countries. So it is clear in the European parliament that Europe will have to become in a lot of fields more independent from the US. It starts with the expenditure which will increase our defense, we will not rely on the long run to have support of the US. With regards to Iran, it is the same: You are aware of the statement which came from Brussels the other day and EU stated clearly that they want to stick to the agreement.

'I don’t see any change in the Russian policy and I don’t think Mr. Trump will find a lot of support in China. What I expect is that Mr Trump talks to the EU and Mr Putin. I think he will realize that it make not much sense to fight against this agreement because at the end it is beneficial for everyone even for the US.'

He said if Trump violates JCPOA, the European countries would stick to the nuclear deal and would not pursue the White House policy.

'I trust the statement of the European Union. They want to stick to the agreement. If you read the agreement carefully, it is not that easy simply to remove this agreement. It would be a process of month and years.'

Tockuss added that he 'cannot imagine that the new American government has interest in this region to destabilize Iran, because they should have enough to do with Afghanistan, Iraq and the situation in Syria.

'I ask all my Iranian friends to be a little bit patient. Some Europeans governments are working to make this agreement successful.'