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Iran reacts to further claims of Saudi’s FM

Jan 25, 2017, 11:53 AM
News ID: 9796
Iran reacts to further claims of Saudi’s FM

EghtesadOnline: Iranian Foreign Minister Spokesman denied the latest claims and psychological projections of Saudi’s Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir about Iran.

Saudi Arabia’s claims just misrepresent the facts in the region and it’s Riyadh that paved the way for appearance and growing terrorism in past years, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Bahram Ghasemi said.

Speaking at a joint press conference with French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault in Riyadh on Tuesday, Jubeir claimed that Iran’s meddling in the internal affairs of the countries in the Middle East was the root cause of regional distress and instability, ISNA reported.

He also claimed that Iran was planting terrorist cells in Saudi Arabia and the region in spite of Riyadh’s efforts to establish good relations with Tehran.

As denied the offensive and untrue remarks of Saudi’s Foreign Minister, Ghasemi said: “Jubeir’s permanent psychological projections cannot delete the history of appearance and growing of extremism.”

“Saudi monarchy paved the way for growing perverted school and the waves of hatred in west Asia and North Africa, daily killing of numerous innocent people, looting their properties and destructing and burning their homelands are the results of its rule,” he added.

Pointing to Riyadh’s deadly war on Yemen, Ghasemi stressed: “Saudi foreign minister’s excuses for barbaric attacks on Yemeni women, children and civilians are the sign of its heavy failure in front of Yamani people’s strong and tireless will in promoting their goals in the region.”

The Saudi minister further pointed to Riyadh's war on Yemen and said the Saudi military aggression against the impoverished country had been in response to a request by the former Yemeni government.

“Improving relations with neighbors is one of the main priorities of Iran. We took appropriate steps in past years in order to normalizing and improving relations with our neighbors but the Saudi’s clear and covert sabotages are the main obstacle in having a secure and stable region,” he said.