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Zarif deputy underlines necessity to strengthen central government of Iraq

Feb 8, 2017, 11:04 AM
News ID: 10371
Zarif deputy underlines necessity to strengthen central government of Iraq

EghtesadOnline: Iranian deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and Africa Affairs Hossein Jaberi Ansari underlined on Monday the necessity to strengthen central government of Iraq and maintaining its unity and territorial integrity.

Ansari in meeting with special envoy of the UN secretary-general for Iraq affairs Jan Kubis by referring to a number of positive developments in the region in recent months and relations between regional developments and their interactions, said that terrorism is the important problem of Iraq, region and the world and added that Iraqis and its different political and social currents by common understanding on terrorism threats have reached to a gradual unity in confrontation against Daesh (the ISIS), ISNA reported.

Jan Kubis explained the latest situations in Iraq and discussed challenges and opportunities in the country, fighting against terrorism and establishment of stability as the main priority for all Iraqi groups.

Considering tribal diversities in Iraq, maintaining unity and integrity and co-existence of all Iraqis was underlined by the UN special envoy.

Jan Kubis said that stabilization of the situation in Iraq and passing the current phase to post-Daesh era needs all sides look at the future, instead of retrospect.