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EU says Syria crisis has no military solution

Apr 8, 2017, 5:13 AM
News ID: 12960
EU says Syria crisis has no military solution

EghtesadOnline: The European Union on Friday said that the union has been informed of the US missile strikes on a Syrian airbase but stressed that a negotiate solution was the only way out of the conflict.

According to dispatches, the EU's top diplomat Federica Mogherini said on behalf of the bloc's 28 member states that 'The US has informed the European Union that ... they launched a strike on Shayrat Airfield in Syria with the understandable intention to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons.' 

'The US also informed us that these strikes are limited and focused on preventing and deterring further use of chemical weapons atrocities ... Those found responsible should be sanctioned within the framework of the United Nations.'

According to IRNA, she added that the use of chemical weapons was a war crime and perpetrators of such acts 'should be sanctioned within the framework of the United Nations.'

'The EU firmly believes that there can be no military solution to the conflict,' the joint statement said. 'Only a credible political solution... will ensure peace and stability.'

According to foreign media reports, two US warships in the Mediterranean Sea fired 59 Tomahawk missiles intended for a single target - Shayrat Airfield in Homs province in western Syria, the US Defense Department said.

The missile attack was carried out without permission from UN Security Council and the US Congress.

Syria strongly denies role in Idleb chemical attack.

Syrian military forces are fighting against Daesh terrorists in the east of Homs province and the Takfiri group, formerly known as al-Nusra Front, in north of the country.