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Leader to Iraqi PM: Never trust US

Jun 21, 2017, 6:28 AM
News ID: 16327
Leader to Iraqi PM: Never trust US

EghtesadOnline: Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei underlined the need for maintaining integrity of Iraq, stressing that the Iraqi officials should “never trust the US.”

The Leader made the remarks in a meeting with the visiting Prime Minister of Iraq Haider Al-Abadi on Tuesday afternoon.

According to IRNA, Ayatollah Khamenei hailed the “unity and harmony of political and religious currents in Iraq in their fight against the Daesh (ISIS) terrorist group.”

He also described the Iraqi “popular forces” as a major and auspicious phenomenon “and source of authority” for that country.

“One should be vigilant against the US and never trust them because they and their allies in the region oppose Iraq's independence, identity and unity,” said the Leader.

He praised the Iraqi elected government for their efforts against the terrorist takfiris as well as the right policy of the Iraqi government in putting confidence in the country’s young and pious forces.

“Daesh is escaping from Iraq and this admirable achievement is the result of internal unity and integrity in Iraq—which was accomplished thanks to the Iraqi government relying on Iraqi faithful youth,” said the Leader.

The Leader pointed to the opposition of the US and its allies to the popular forces, adding that the reason for Americans’ opposition against them is that they wish Iraq lose its main source of might.

Warning against the US plots to wreak havoc in Iraq, Ayatollah Khamenei further noted, “No chance should be given to the US to sow discord or cause conflict in Iraq. The US forces should be prevented from intervening in Iraq on the pretext of education or other issues.”

The Leader further advised the Iraqi prime minister of not trusting the US at all, “as they are looking for an opportunity to strike a blow to the Iraqi nation!”

Ayatollah Khamenei further contended that the US’ opposition against Daesh is not real.

“The US and certain states in the region are not after uprooting Daesh which has been created by their support and funds,” said the Leader blaming the US regime for its support and financial aid for the terrorist group of Daesh.

He stressed that the American official favor a Daesh in Iraq which is controlled by US.

“Iran as a neighbor is opposed to rumors on holding referendum to separate a part of Iraq and consider those fanning the flames of division opponents of Iraq’s independence and identity,” said the Leader.

Highlighting Iraq’s material, historic and human richness, Ayatollah Khamenei said that with such a historic and cultural civilization, Iraq should remain integrated. Not to mention that such a country is entitled to standing on its own feet and strongly counter those seeking to undermine Iraq.

Al-Abadi, for his part, appreciated Iran for its supports against the terrorist group of Daesh.

He said that he is in Tehran for talks to help promote bilateral ties in various fields.

“Today, Iraq is united and integrated against Daesh and all political and religious parties are unanimous in continuing campaign until uprooting Daesh,” he said.

Stressing that destroying Daesh is possible, the Iraqi PM reaffirmed that Iraq needs Iran aid in the fight against the terrorist group as well as in post-Daesh era which is a time for stability and reconstruction.

Recalling the cultural and historic roots of the Iran-Iraq relation, Alabadi said, “We are seeking to boost ties in all fields including the increase of services to the Iranian pilgrims to travel to that country to visit its holy sites.

Albadi arrived in Tehran on Tuesday heading a high-ranking delegation and was welcomed by the Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh.