07 / October / 2017 24:56

Iran President hails nuclear deal as 'moral victory'

Iran President hails nuclear deal as 'moral victory'

EghtesadOnline: President Hassan Rouhani on Saturday praised all efforts by the Iranian officials in securing a nuclear agreement with the major world powers, calling the Iran-G5+1 Deal 'Iran's moral victory'.

News ID: 743998

Speaking at the University of Tehran marking the beginning of the Iranian academic year, President Rouhani said, 'We proved the world that we were honest,' 

'We managed to turn the slogan 'nuclear energy is our certain right' from a grassroots issue into a diplomatic one raised on the global arena,' IRNA quoted him as saying.

'And we proved it,' the Iranian President added.

Rouhani said, 'Our diplomats are so strong that they negotiate with six world powers and seal a deal; a deal the other party now says they've been deceived, which of course is a wrong reading.'

'We founded the deal on a win-win approach,' he added. 

'We showed that we are not only strong in war field, but we are also sturdy in peace. This is irreversible,' the President said.

Rouhani said that Iran stood against a united world.

There was a time when all the speakers addressing the United Nations used to be against us, he said. 

'Even the so-called friends were not supportive of us,' he added.

'This year in the UN, 190 countries were unanimous with Iran,' President Rouhani said.

'Just one country, namely, the United Sates and one occupying regime, the Zionist regime, spoke against us,' he said.

'The nuclear deal was our moral victory, we proved the world that we were honest and the ill-wishers were liars. This is irreversible and it will go down in the history,' Rouhani added.

He also said that before the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also called the Iran nuclear deal, the world thought Iran's nuclear activities were illegal.

But now, the UN considers as legitimate Iran's nuclear activities, Iranian President said.


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