12 / March / 2019 14:54

Energy Consumption in Tehran Buildings Untenable

EghtesadOnline: Largely due to the abundance of oil and gas reserves, little if any importance is given in Iran to optimizing energy consumption.

News ID: 746901

Iranians, especially profligate consumers in Tehran, use energy in buildings at levels said to be 2.5 times above the world average, says the director of a project on energy efficiency and environment in buildings.

Nasim Shekari says domestic consumption patterns need to change for a whole set of valid reasons, the least of which is that injudicious consumption is increasing the country's social and health costs, ILNA reported.

The production and use of energy have many well-known benefits to society, but they also have “hidden costs” or “externalities,” such as the harm to human health and the environment from local pollution, according to Financial Tribune.

The electricity used in Iranian buildings is mostly generated by thermal power plants that burn eco-unfriendly fossil fuels.

The combustion of fossil fuels results in the release of pollutants that have a significant impact on the health and well-being of society.

According to 2016 data, gas consumption in buildings across the country was more than 65.5 billion cubic meters a year. “The figure was close to 10 billion cubic meters in Tehran alone, which is 2.5 times over and above the energy consumption index in densely populated cities in developed countries,” she said.

Shakeri noted that though technology and equipment help improve and reduce energy consumption, studies show that households living in buildings also have a key role.

“If we properly educate children about better consumption, the coming generations will have a lot better understanding of the issue and will use energy more judiciously.”

The project on energy efficiency and environment in buildings was launched in August 2016 by the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology in cooperation with the UN Development Program and is funded by the Global Environment Facility.

It enables companies in the energy sector to provide services in selected buildings in Tehran to help save energy.

Using solar water heating, light-emitting diode (LED) with controls as well as improving insulation by utilizing double-glazed windows and doors are among the measures taken by the companies.

Global Environment Facility was established in 1992 to help tackle the planet’s most pressing environmental problems. Since then, the GEF has provided over $17.9 billion in grants and mobilized an additional $93.2 billion in co-financing for more than 4,500 projects in 170 countries.


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