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Larijani: JCPOA not needed without sanctions removal

Jul 19, 2016, 5:29 PM
News ID: 470

EghtesadOnline: Majlis (Parliament) Speaker Ali Larijani said on Monday that if sanctions are not lifted there will be no reason for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to exist.

Larijani made the remarks in a meeting with Head of Defense and Foreign Commission of Japanese House of Councilors Masahisa Sat who is currently in Tehran for talks on issues of mutual interest.

According to IRNA, the speaker also reiterated Majlis support for the landmark nuclear deal made last year between Iran and the world six major powers (US, Russia, Britain, China and France along with Germany).

He said the JCPOA sets a new solution to resolve problems on international scale.

“Based on the foreign ministry report, Iran has acted upon all its commitments made in the nuclear deal,' Larijani said.

He added those commitments included various issues from decreasing centrifuges to lowering heavy water and enriched substances but the other party, especially the US, have breached its commitments. 

“If sanctions are not to be lifted and banking transactions are not done, there will be no reason to go on with the agreement and definitely Majlis will follow up the issue” the speaker stressed.

He announced that Iran and Japan share many commonalties and eastern culture presents a rich culture that can give an impetus to bilateral cultural relations.

He said Iran and Japan can debate seriously about commercial ties, especially car manufacturing and Japan can invest in the field or even build up factory.

Also referring to terrorist attacks in the region and Europe the speaker said, “We have now reached a stage that not only regional countries but also all countries have found out the menace of terrorism expansion and it has made uprooting them more tangible.

Stressing the significance of security on marine borders, Larijani said Iran shares extensive water border in Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman with its neighbors and there was no problem in the region thanks to the wise and strong presence of the Iranian Navy.

He said explicitly that since Tehran believes that military intervention of foreign countries in the internal affairs of other regional states was the main cause of emergence of terrorism, it also believes that all neighboring states of the Persian Gulf should guarantee their own security. 

He added that Iran considers foreign intervention as a factor for stirred regional security.

Referring to Tehran-Tokyo relations, Larijani said that the two capitals can have further trade cooperation, particularly in the field of auto-making industry.

Meanwhile, the Japanese official, in turn, said Iran and Japan have since long ago had good relations and during hard times. He noted that the people and government of Japan are supporters of Iran-G5+1 landmark nuclear deal, better known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

He stressed that the Japanese MPs would definitely discuss the issue of obstacles on the way of removing the anti-Iran sanctions and will follow up the issue in the parliament of Japan.

Sato referred to the Persian Gulf as a strategic region where stability and security are considered significant.

He hoped that peace and security would always continue in the region with the help of Iran and other littoral states of the strategic waterway.