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Iranian FM, OPCW Chief hold talks in Tehran

Jul 3, 2017, 11:19 AM
News ID: 16726

EghtesadOnline: Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif held talks with the Director-General of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in Tehran.

During the meeting, the Iranian top diplomat said Iran was a victim of chemical weapons used by the former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hossein during the eight-year Sacred Defence in the 1980s.

“Therefore, based on our main principles, we always reiterate our opposition to any use of chemical weapons and dismiss such a use as unacceptable,” ISNA quoted him as saying.

He went on saying that the Islamic Republic of Iran has always stressed that no side is allowed to use chemical weapons in any armed conflict across the world.

“It is regrettable that the terrorist group of ISIS has used chemical weapons in its war against the Syrian government,” he added.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Zarif referred to the reports on the use of chemical weapons in Syria’s Khan Shaykhun region back in April and said Iran has emphasized the necessity of an international probe into the alleged attack to verify the use of chemical weapons in the region.

Iranian foreign minister also expressed the Islamic Republic’s readiness to cooperate with the OPCW in Syria.

For his part, OPCW Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü praised the Islamic Republic for its long-time cooperation with his organization.

He also referred to the fact that his visit to Iran has coincided with the 30th anniversary of Saddam regime’s chemical attack on the Iranian north western city of Sardasht and added as the head of the OPCW, he has annually issued a statement on the incident.

Üzümcü expressed his thanks to Iran for its readiness to offer cooperation with his organization in a probe into the alleged chemical attack in Syria and said the OPCW is now conducting investigations on the use of Sarin nerve gas in the April attack.