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US missile allegations part of psychological warfare campaign: Iran

Jan 30, 2018, 3:57 PM
News ID: 23253

EghtesadOnline: Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi has said the US allegations pertaining to Tehran supplying Yemen with missiles is the start of psychological warfare campaign with roots in Washington’s continuous policy failures in the region.

Qassemi made the remarks during an interview with Press TV on Monday.

"The current efforts follow previous shows by the US and its envoy to the UN. It comes after the US suffered repeated failures in its foreign policy. This is Washington's new propaganda and part of a new psychological warfare against the Islamic Republic of Iran," PressTV quoted him as saying.

The comments were made after the US President Donald Trump addressed a lunch meeting with members of the United Nations Security Council, accusing Iran once again of destabilizing the Middle East and providing Yemen’s Houthi fighters with ballistic missiles.

On December 14, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley presented what she claimed to be "undeniable" evidence, including the allegedly recovered pieces of a Yemeni missile, saying it proved that Iran was violating international law by giving missiles to the Houthi fighters. The Houthis have been fighting back a Saudi-led aggression with allied Yemeni army troops and tribal fighters since March 2015.

A few days later, she said that the UN Security Council could strengthen the provisions in Resolution 2231, which was approved in July 2015 to endorse the multilateral nuclear deal with Iran, or adopt a new resolution banning Tehran from all activities related to ballistic missiles.

"It is just another futile effort which will not do the US any good at the end of the day," said Qassemi.

Meanwhile, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said that Trump is resorting to "fake evidence" to spread Iranophobia.

He added that such efforts would only seem acceptable to "the same desperate neighbor and its accomplices in war crimes," in what was a clear reference to Saudi Arabia's anti-Iran efforts.

Earlier on Monday, a senior Iranian official rejected unfounded US accusations about the Islamic Republic providing Houthis with ballistic missiles, saying Washington would never achieve any success in its "puppetry" against Tehran.

"They [US officials] directly accuse Iran of meddling in Yemen while they are indirectly denying the bravery, resistance and self-sacrifice of the Yemeni nation," Ali Akbar Velayati, a senior advisor to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei on international affairs, said in an interview with the IRIB on Monday.