24 / November / 2023 11:57

Iran Condemns EP’s Interfering Resolution

Iran Condemns EP’s Interfering Resolution

The spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry dismissed a resolution adopted by the European Parliament on the human rights in Iran, saying the interfering document reflects certain European states’ confusion over Iran’s might and struggle against arrogance.

News ID: 809877

In a statement released on Friday, Nasser Kanaani said the interventionist resolution that the European Parliament has adopted on Thursday is based on the “destructive attitude that a series of European currents have adopted towards the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

Condemning the EP’s resolution, the spokesman said, “The European Parliament’s interfering resolution indicates a number of the European parties’ confusion over the reality of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s might coupled with anti-arrogance.”

Taking a swipe at certain European countries for siding with terrorist groups against the Iranian nation over the past four decades, Kanaani said their “theatrical measures and false humanitarian slogans” will never wipe their dark history of sponsoring the criminals and the killers of Iranian people.

“While the public opinion across the world, as in the European countries, is saddened, traumatized and infuriated by the continuation of the most ruthless anti-human crimes in Gaza committed by the apartheid and child-killing Israeli regime and asks the officials of their respective countries to stop the genocide and war crimes against the defenseless and oppressed people of Gaza by raising their voices in streets in various cities across that continent (Europe), the European Parliament that claims to be the symbol of democracy and the so-called human rights and humanitarian values has unfortunately shut its eyes to the most unprecedented and barbaric collective punishment and heinous massacre of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinian citizens, 70 percent of whom are women and children. However, such  (European) double standard would not be hidden from the eyes and judgement of the world’s free thinkers and awakened conscience,” he added.

Kanaani finally advised those who initiate and draft such “worthless anti-Iranian resolutions” to rectify their behavior and reverse their failed policies on the Iranian government and nation and to adopt the policy of constructive interaction and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and interests.

On Thursday, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on human rights issues in Iran, condemning what it called the deterioration of the human rights situation in the country.

The EP text was adopted by 516 votes in favor, 4 against with 27 abstentions. / Tasnim

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