
tag battle

FAO Boosts Iran Fund to Battle Desert Locust

EghtesadOnline: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has increased its Emergency Technical Cooperation project (TCP) to help battle swarms of the desert locust by an additional $200,000.
Publish Date:20/April/2020 | 13:27

$5.4m Needed to Fight Desert Locusts

EghtesadOnline: The Plant Protection Organization has received 200 billion rials ($1.3 million) from the government to battle desert locusts that have swarmed southern Iran, while at least $5.45 million more are needed to fight the pest, the spokesman of the organization affiliated with Agriculture Ministry said.
Publish Date:29/February/2020 | 06:12

Tech Complex to Bolster Battle Against COVID-19

EghtesadOnline: The International Innovation and Technology Complex has been inaugurated in Tehran in line with measures to strengthen the country’s fight against the novel coronavirus.
Publish Date:20/April/2020 | 13:44

Leader Thanks Medical Community for Battling COVID-19

EghtesadOnline: Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei praised Iranian health officials and personnel for their efforts to contain the novel coronavirus epidemic in the country.
Publish Date:29/February/2020 | 05:39

Iraq Vows Support in Hard Times

EghtesadOnline: Iraqi President Barham Salih said Baghdad will stand by the Iranian people and government during difficult times just like the Islamic Republic did when it offered substantial help in Iraq's battle against terrorist groups.
Publish Date:20/May/2019 | 08:56