tag MoU

MoU on Metallic Recovery From Residue

EghtesadOnline: A memorandum of understanding to establish a 1 million tons/year iron ore concentrate recovery from residues was signed on Tuesday by Golgohar Mining and Industrial Company, Gohar Ravesh Sirjan Company and Ronak Engineering Company.
Publish Date:15/January/2020 | 11:16

IDRO Signs MoU With Germany’s IMAG

EghtesadOnline: The Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran has signed a memorandum of understanding with the most experienced German company in organizing trade fairs, IMAG.
Publish Date:05/May/2019 | 13:15

Iran Signs MoU With South Korea to Develop SMEs

EghtesadOnline: Director General of Iran Small Industries and Industrial Parks Organization Sadeq Najafi and South Korea’s Deputy Minister of SMEs and Startups Choi Su-gyu signed a memorandum of understanding on Aug. 31 for increasing cooperation on small and medium-sized enterprises, according to the official website of the Korean ministry,
Publish Date:04/September/2018 | 04:33

Iran, Indonesia co-op in upstream oil and gas

EghtesadOnline: Indonesia State Oil Company reported Iran- Indonesia cooperation in upstream oil and gas, announcing that National Iranian Oil Company is interested in developing Indonesian oil and gas infrastructures cooperated by Pertamina.
Publish Date:16/July/2016 | 07:44

SEO, Judiciary Sign MoU to Curtail Stock Market Abuse

EghtesadOnline: Amemorandum of understanding was signed between the Securities and Exchange Organization and the judiciary’s Social And Crime Prevention Department to minimize abuse and misdemeanors in Iran’s rapidly growing capital market.
Publish Date:21/May/2020 | 09:21

IMIDRO, IRISL Sign Mineral Transport MoU

EghtesadOnline: Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization (IMIDRO) has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines to boost cooperation in the field of mineral transportation.
Publish Date:11/April/2020 | 16:25

Iran Signs MOU with CYRDAP on Rural and Agricultural Development: Official

EghtesadOnline: Hossein Shirzad, the deputy of the agriculture minister and chairman of the board of Central Organization for Rural Cooperatives of Iran (CORC), in a kick-off meeting with Tevita Taginavulau, the director-general of Center on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CYRDAP), said CORC is ready and willing to cooperate with CYRDAP in the field of rural and agricultural development.
Publish Date:26/November/2019 | 06:49

MoU With Nicaragua for Joint Investment

EghtesadOnline: Iran and Nicaragua signed a memorandum of understanding in the Iranian capital Tehran on Saturday for joint investments in the fields of oil, agricultural outsourcing and industries.
Publish Date:13/August/2019 | 24:00

Customs MoU With Afghanistan

EghtesadOnline: Head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration, Mehdi Mir-Ashrafi, and Director General of Afghanistan Customs Department Ahmad Reshad Popal have signed a memorandum of understanding on joint collaboration in electronic exchange of information between the customs entities of Iran and Afghanistan.
Publish Date:04/August/2019 | 13:02

€200m in Austrian Finance for Iran’s First Nuclear Hospital

EghtesadOnline: A tomic Energy Organization of Iran's Spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi has announced that Austrian banks have allocated €200 million worth of finance for equipping Iran’s first nuclear hospital.
Publish Date:06/February/2018 | 07:45