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Iran stresses Syrians' right to determine their destiny

Aug 29, 2017, 6:18 AM
News ID: 19292
Iran stresses Syrians' right to determine their destiny

EghtesadOnline: Deputy foreign minister on Monday underlined that no country can decide for Syrian people and they themselves should determine their destiny.

'The important thing for the Islamic Republic is ending the humanistic tragedy in the war-torn region,' Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Jaberi Ansari told reporters after his meeting with UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura. 

'We are pursuing return of peace and security to Syria by preparing the ground for agreement in the region,' IRNA quoted him as saying.

The official referred to the Syrian Army and its allies' advances in the battlefield and noted that Syria is on the occasion of a turning point.

'The next round of Syria talks will be held in the Kazak capital, Astana on the final week of Iranian month of Shahrivar (third week of September),' he said.

Jaberi Ansari added that Iran made efforts in recent expert-level meetings on Syria in Ankara and Tehran to help success of upcoming high level talks in Astana. 

He warned about the catastrophic status of people in the besieged regions, in particular al-Fau'a and Kafraya.

De Mistura arrived in the Iranian capital on Sunday evening. De Mistura's visit to Tehran is taking place on the eve of the sixth round of Astana talks on Syria to be held in the upcoming days in the capital of Kazakhstan.

Since March 2011, Syria has been suffering from unrest and terrorist acts. Iran, Russia and Turkey are the initiators of the December 30, 2016 ceasefire in Syria. The three countries have so far held five rounds of Astana talks.