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Leader says petrol price rise aimed to reduce consumption

Nov 17, 2019, 12:42 PM
News ID: 30885
Leader says petrol price rise aimed to reduce consumption

EghtesadOnline: Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said on Sunday that the government's petrol price hike plan aimed to reduce consumption, putting weight on the decision to that effect made by the heads of three branches of Government.

I am no expert in managing fuel consumption and expert opinions are different, the Leader said on Sunday, adding that he will support the decision made by heads of three branches of power.

Making the remark in one his classes, Ayatollah Khamenei said that Heads of three branches of power have made an expert decision and it must be implemented.

Certainly, some people are concerned and upset by this decision, the Leader said adding that destruction and firing are not people's business but that of the outlaws, IRNA reported.

The Supreme Leader said that counter-revolutionary elements and enemies have always supported such an insecurity and are doing so under the current situation of shifting the petrol prices.

The Leader deplored disruption of law and order in the society following the petrol price rise, saying that insecurity brings misery for any country.

He urged people to distance themselves from saboteurs by vigilance and awareness.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that Pahlavi family and MEK have launched campaign on social networks, adding that sabotage and arson attacks on public buildings are not acceptable and will solve no problem.