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Iran rebukes Saudi leaders, deplores deterioration of humanitarian situation in Yemen

Nov 17, 2016, 8:41 PM
News ID: 6408

EghtesadOnline: Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab-African Affairs Hossein Jaberi-Ansari on Wednesday expressed deep concern about one-and-a half year massacre in Yemen saying that Saudi leaders have perpetrated crimes against humanity in Yemen by indiscriminate airstrikes.

He made the remarks in a meeting with Zimbabwean Foreign Affairs secretary Joey Bimha.

Despite such clear realities, the Saudi leaders and Israel are speaking of human rights, he said.

Criticizing instrumental use of human rights, he derided the Saudi leaders and the Zionist regime for hypocrisy in the course of adopting resolutions by the United Nations General Assembly on human rights, saying that over two million Palestinians are living under Israeli siege and are subject to systematic killing by Tel Aviv regime, according to IRNA.

The Zionist regime whose existence is based on negating existence of the other nation has always sponsored state terrorism and violated basic rights of the Palestinian nation in the past several decades, he said.

Stressing the need for maintaining political ties between Iran and Zimbabwe, Jaberi-Ansari called for boosting ties in all fields.

'Zimbabwe as a country which follows independent policies is of high significance for Iran,' he said.

Bimha, for his part, underlined his country's resolve to enahcne cooperation with Iran in all arenas, saying that Zimbabwe welcomes cooperation with Iran in the economic, technical and scientific fields.

Criticizing double standard policies about human rights and the issue of Palestine, he called for increasing diplomatic consultations between the two countries which will hopefully help develop a common approach about the regional and international issues.